Monstera: July Houseplant of the Month
The story of the Monstera For a plant, Monstera has a lot to offer: stems, sometimes a moss pole, a ...
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Bee Friends: Garden Plants of the Month for July
The story behind Bee Friends A green garden is not just a joy to look at, walk through and relax in; ...
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Garden Plant of the Month June: Honeysuckle
The story behind honeysuckle Climbing and trailing plants are very popular, because they grow upwards and therefore do not take ...
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Eyecatchers Juni
Waterplants The pond is the pride of your garden. You made it all by yourself, and the result is impressive! ...
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Sunflower: June 2019 Houseplant of the Month
The story of the Sunflower The Sunflower (Helianthus) doesn’t grow as tall as the garden variety, but it does offer ...
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Fragrant Showstoppers Garden Plants of the Month May 2019
The story behind the Fragrant Showstoppers Broom (Cytisus), lilac (Syringa), Lantana, garden rose (Rosa) and Mexican orange blossom (Choisya) not only ...
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Bathroom plants: May 2019 Houseplants of the Month
The story of Bathroom plants Bathroom plants all like shade, high temperatures and high humidity - similar to the conditions that ...
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Begonia: April 2019 Houseplant of the Month
The story of the begonia The flowering begonia has full, plump flowers in cheerful colours such as red, pink, orange, ...
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Colour Festival: April Garden Plants of the Month
Big flowers, small flowers. Climbing, hanging and creeping. For use in beds, in pots and containers, and in hanging baskets ...
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Blommande träd: Mars månads trädgårdsväxter
Första fantastiska blommor, sedan en full krona av löv, och slutligen frukt på sommar och höst - fruktträd erbjuder allt ...
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